Where it comes from and what is possible?
In the Stone Age, man lived in clans. One could not survive as an individual. People were dependent on the community. The survival of these clans depended on strict adherence to rules, and the reliability of its members. Any breach of these rules was punishable. In the worst-case scenario, offenders were expelled from the clan, which sooner or later meant an untimely death.
This recorded primal information is still effective today. If we violate the rules of the clan from which we originate, a preventive program (survival instinct) is activated to keep us within the structures of the clan. Anyone who strays too far from the clan system confronts a barrier, either of illness or burnout, an accident, or ill fate. The system does everything necessary to keep us within our clan system and hence keep us alive.
We do not just inherit physical aspects such as the individual features (mouth, nose, or eye shape). As shown by epigenetics, we also inherit information and experiences from our clan. This determines the so-called “guard rails” in which we can move free from stress and preventive programs. Everything that goes beyond the pre-determined boundaries is sabotaged by the system. With this background, our desires cannot unfold freely, easily, or without problems. Rather, it takes enormous effort to reach desired goals. Sometimes those goals are sabotaged completely.
At birth, part of our “hard disk” is already pre-formatted with information about our clan, which influences and dictates a significant part of our life. Identifying, resolving, and integrating this information through consultation presents a unique, new solution approach!
The changes resulting from the resolution and integration open new vistas and prospects in which things happen playfully and with ease. ________________________________________________________________
Basically, there is no negative connotation in this process, no good or evil, and above all, no guilt – things are just how they are!
The more you know about your family, the more helpful it is in identifying the relevant topics.